General Partners

Tarun Nimmagadda

A tinkerer and creative thinker, Tarun was an early believer in the promise of connected devices. His work was awarded Dell’s first Social Innovation Prize for dramatic improvements made to accessibility mapping and navigation, a project inspired by his participation in the first fully-autonomous urban vehicle competition, the DARPA Grand Challenge. After immigrating from India in 2004 to study at the University of Texas, Austin, Tarun received Honors in Computer Science. Tarun co-founded Mutual Mobile, which was recently acquired at then end of 2022. Tarun, along with Mutual Mobile’s founding team, was named to Inc’s 30 Under 30, Forbes’ 50 Most Promising Companies, and recognized by the White House as one of the top 100 companies founded by young entrepreneurs. Today, Tarun manages a diverse investment portfolio in AI companies that stretches from consumer to enterprise.

John Arrow

John has founded and scaled numerous companies in the emerging technology sector. Most recently, as CEO he bootstrapped Mutual Mobile to a 300 person organization, focused on helping Fortune 1000 companies unlock value from technologies like mobile, IoT, VR, Voice, and AI. To date Mutual Mobile has generated over 200 million in revenue and helped its customers achieve billions of dollars in value by implementing solutions across healthcare, education, financial services, automotive, retail, and other sectors. John has had the honor of being named Forbes Most Promising CEOs under 35 and was selected as one of Inc. Magazine 30 Under 30."